Sample Rate of: 44.1khz or 48khz
Bit Rate: 16 or 24bit
The file format is .WAV
Correctly labelled I.E Kick, Percussion, Leads, Bass, Vocals, Effects etc..
Each audio stem has to start from the same position.
Maximum of -6db headroom on each audio stem.
Don’t use a compressor, limiter or maximiser on your master output when exporting stems.
Don't Dither or Normalise the audio.
Slight Silence at the front and end of the track file.
When you send any audio for Mixing & Mastering please provide the below:
A self mastered or limited version of your track so we get a ball park idea of the track.
A reference track you would like it to sound similar to, Doesn't have to be your own.
We are happy to do a couple of Free revisions if required, anymore will be an extra fee.
Under 10 Stems Mixing & Mastering.
Sample Rate of: 44.1khz or 48khz
Bit Rate: 16 or 24bit
The file format is .WAV
The track/s are correctly labelled with the title and artist/s.
Slight Silence at the front and end of the track file.
Maximum of -6db headroom on the audio file.
Don’t use a compressor, limiter or maximiser on your master output when exporting.
Don't dither or normalise the audio.
When you send any audio for Mixing & Mastering please provide the below:
A self mastered or limited version of your track so we get a ball park idea of the track.
A reference track you would like it to sound similar to, Doesn't have to be your own.
We are happy to do a couple at least 2 Free revisions if required, anymore will be an extra fee.